John C. Holmes Images For Republicans That Say That Blacks ONLY Voted For Obama B/c He’s Black?

For Republicans that say that blacks ONLY voted for Obama b/c he's black? - john c. holmes images

So why not vote for black candidates as well? They are all black, and all were running for U.S. President:

Clennon Washington King, Jr.
Jazz great Dizzy Gillespie
Clifton DeBerry
Charlene Mitchell
The comedian Dick Gregory
Eldridge Cleaver
Shirley Chisholm
D'eau E Fauntroy
Clifton DeBerry
The Reverend Jesse Jackson
Larry Holmes
Isabell Masters
Lenora Fulani
Joan Jett Blakk (Alias) Terence Smith
Ronald Daniels
Helen Halyard
Alan Keyes
James Harris
Monica Moorehead
Carol Moseley Braun
The Reverend Al Sharpton
John Parker
Elaine Brown
Cynthia McKinney


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