Serial Native Why Do Americans Think The Aussie PM Is A Serial Killer?
Why do Americans think the Aussie PM is a serial killer? - serial native
Some American journalist for Finance, said on American television that Prime Minister Kevin Rudd launched Stiken killla series, because the air in flocks of "native" camels.
You Americans stupid, camels are not native to Australia, originating in the Middle East and Africa. They are parasites. As you have raccoons, we have camels. They feed on native plants and multiply really like rabbits. , No predators, their numbers are increasing every year.
The Americans, you do not need our PM is a serial killer, because we must not forget that nearly wiped out all the buffalo was? "
Ah, the Americans are idiots, people who you've never met? The Americans speak of "genocide" and yesterday there were 3 separate shootings.
Also, remember that the Americans are trying to delete an idiot now, "national security" War! Do not forget Hiroshima, Cuba and every coup and the U.S. war financed or initiated. ******* I'm sick of America wants the rest of the world could be doors, and we can all with him, left without them.
You need to think beyond, has killed the economy of Australia in the last two years. At an alarming rate of 1 billion U.S. dollars per week. After the Liberals returned to power, to the younger generation 10 to 15 years to the enormous debt that has adopted flood recovery. Australia **** on the Liberals and are the only ones who can make the situation in Australia is, ****
For an American said something stupid, automatically all Americans are stupid.
In fact, nobody has heard of the problem camels. And anyway no one.
hmm i dont think Americans know lol much less attention to their problems Camel
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