License In French Will My French BSR Moped License Work In England If I Am 16?
Will my french BSR moped license work in England if i am 16? - license in french
I lived in France and beyond my 50cc moped test up to 14 years. I have now returned to England, and I know I have to repeat the test? I am now 16 so I have the right age. So the question is whether it is valid in the United Kingdom?
Tim D gave the best answer I can find around exploration. There are huge differences between the use of light equipment in England and France (in France, you have to use the bike paths, try to come here and you'll be in big doo-doo) and independent legal advises you to start the process to restart from scratch here.
I can not say with certainty - not this test could help ...
I guess you have to take a CBT. ...
I bet you could use for a year, should be like others elsewhere, but to contact the DVLA in Swansea, to ensure that
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